Vocal Compositions Christian Blaha
NEBBENS (2004/2005), musictheatere with ouverture, prologue, four acts and an epilogue (music duration c.60’), lyrics: Ronald Mullié (Dutch) (add. lyrics Christiaan Huygens). soli (SATB) choir (SATB) chamber orchestra (1111 2111 timp 1perc hrp str) – composed for Xenakis Ensemble
HOTEL LIJKZICHT (2010) (duration c.110’), lyrics: Peter Swanborn (Dutch), musictheatrical songcycle (21 songs, 2 ouvertures and 3 intermezzi) for voice and ensemble (piano, drums/perc., b.git, stringsorchestra/string quintet) – first performance Koor Lichte Muziek A58, conductor and choirarranger: Rob van der Meule, rap: Raven Struijk, piano: Christian Blaha, TY Chamberorchestra
ZEVEN LAATSTE WOORDEN (SEVEN LAST WORDS) (2021) (duration c.50’), musiktheatre for actor and ensemble (2 vl, vla, vlc, cl), lyrics: Johan de Koning (Dutch) - first performance: 2021 actor: Bram Kwekkeboom, TY Chamberorchestra
The work is also available in a version for actor, clainet and piano
RIMPELINGEN (RIPPLES) (2021), Musiktheatre for actor and piano, lyrics: Anna de Bruyckere (Dutch), director: Stefan Persefal; - first performance October 2021, actor/voice: Anna de Bruyckere, piano/voice: Christian Blaha
DU KLEINE SILBE SING (2002) (duration c. 2’) lyrics: Peter van den Ouden (German) mixed choir and string quartet / string orchestra – not yet performed
PSALMUS CL (2003) (duration: c. 4’), lyrics: Bible, Psalm 150 (Latin), mixed choir (SATB), hn, 2trmp, trmb, tba, timp – first performance: 2004, Middelburgs Kamerkoor, Brassquintet Zeeland Orchestra, conductor: Lieven Deroo.
CANTATE BEVRIJDING (2003/2004) (duration: c. 20’), lyrics: Peter van den Ouden (Dutch), (I. Een schreeuw, een knipoog,, een lach of traan, II. Een taak in duizend kleuren, III. De bunker van de druk wordt weggenomen), Mixed choir (SATB), fl, hn, perc, timp, stringquintet - first performance: 2005, Zeeland Philharmonic Choir and Ensemble, conductor: Jan Hut.
MISSA ST. ANTONIUS ET ST. SEBASTIAN (2006) (duration c. 5’), lyrics: Mass ordinarium (Dutch) (I. Heer ontferm U, II. Eer aan God, III. Heilig, IV. Lam Gods) congregation, choir (unison), org.) – not yet performed,
MISSA ADVENTUS ET QUADRAGESIMAE (2006) (duration c. 5’), lyrics: Mass ordinarium (Latin) (I. Kyrie, II. Sanctus, III. Agnus Dei), congregation, choir (unision), org. – not yet performed.
MISSA (2006/2007/2009) (duration c. 25’), lyrics: Mass ordinarium (Latin) (I. Kyrie, II.Gloria, III.Credo, IV. Sanctus, V.Agnus Dei), mixed soli (SATB), mixed choir (SATB), 2cl,2trmp,bsn,timp,stringorchestra – first performance: 2007, (Sanctus and Agnus Dei), TY Chamberorchestra, ad hoc soli and choir, conductor: Christian Blaha.
ZINGEN ZONDER GRENZEN (2006) (duration c. 7’), lyrics: Peter van den Ouden (Dutch), Triptych (1.Nederland 2,Vlaanderen, 3.Zingen zonder grenzen) for mixed-choir and piano – first performance 2006 Zeeuws Mannenkoor, conductor: Christian Blaha, Vagantes Morborum, conductor Bart Naessens, Vocaal Damesensemble Arabesk, conductor: Marc van den Borre.
MISSA ST. NICOLAI (2008) (duration c. 5’), lyrics: Mass ordinarium (Dutch) (I.Heer ontferm U, II. Eer aan God, III. Heilig, IV.Lam Gods), à due voci aequalis cum organo – not yet performed.
HET EEUWIGE LICHT (+ PSALM 121, 129) (2008) (duration c. 4”), lyrics: from Missa pro defunctis (Dutch), mixed choir SATB and organ – first performance 2008 Chamberchoir Melopoëia, organ: Marcel van Westen, conductor: Christian Blaha.
BIBLIOTHECA ZELANDICA (2009) (duration c. 10”), lyrics: Sip Beth (Dutch), Mixed choir (SATB) and piano – first performance: 2009, piano: Bram Beekman, Chamberchoir Melopoëia, conductor: Christian Blaha.
REQUIEM (2012), (duration c. 27’), lyrics: traditional Roman Catholic - Missa pro defunctis (Latin) (I.Introitus, II. Graduale, III. Dies Irae, IV.Offertorium, V.Sanctus, VI.Agnus Dei, VII.Communio, VIII.In Paradisum); Mezzo-soprano solo, Female Choir (SA), Stringorchestra - not yet performed.
The work is also available in (version 2): Mezzo-soprano solo, Female Choir (SA) and piano.
MISSA Á DUE VOCI ET ORGANO (2012) (duration 8’), lyrics: Mass ordinarium (Latin) (I.Kyrie, II.Gloria, III.Sanctus, IV. Agnus Dei), Female Choir (SA) or Male Choir (TB) and organ - first performance 2021, choir ad hoc, organ: Christian Blaha
MISSA SANCTA MARIA (2013) (duration, 9’), lyrics: Mass ordinarium (Latin) (I.Kyrie, II.Gloria, III.Sanctus, IV. Agnus Dei), Mixed choir (SATB) and organ - first performance: 2014, organ: Peter van den Heuvel, Cantate Domino, conductor: Carlos d´Hert.
CANTATE VENI CREATOR (2016) (duration c. 13’), lyrics: Hrabanus Maurus (Latin), Soprano solo, Alto solo, Female choir (SA), Stringquintet/Stringorchestra (2vl, vla, vlc, cb), timpani - first performance: 2017, ad hoc soli, choir and ensemble, conductor: Christian Blaha.
The work is also available in (version 2): Soprano solo, Alto solo, Female choir (SA) and piano.
CANTATE LIEFDE LUST LEVEN (2019) (duration c. 19’) lyrics: Anna de Bruijckere (Dutch), 2 Narrators, Soprano solo, Mezzo soprano solo, Alto solo, Pianotrio - first performance: 2019, ad hoc voices, violin: Arjan Kik, violoncello: Martijn Kooiman, piano: Rien Balkenende, conductor: Christian Blaha.
CANTATE SIEBEN LETZTE WORTE (2019) (duration c. 15’) lyrics: Etty Hillesum (German), (Version I): Mixed Choir (SATB), flute, piano. First performance 2021, Middelburgs Kamerkoor, piano: Rien Balkenende, flute: Maaike van der Heijdt, conductor: Christian Blaha
The work is also available in (Version II): Mixed Choir (SATB), flute, Stringorchestra
VIRIDITAS - SONGS OF GREENNESS (2020) lyrics: Hildegard von Bingen (English) (I.We shall awaken from our dullness, II.Dare to declare who you are, III.With natures help, IV.Gaze at the beauty of earth’s greenings) (duration c. 17’); Mixed Choir (SATB), S-solo, Bar-solo, stringorchestra, timpani - not yet performed.
VENI SANCTE SPIRITUS (2021) (duration c. 4’, ) lyrics & hymn: Innocentius III/Stephen Langton (Latin); Female unison choir/solo voice, viola, piano. First performance 2021, ad hoc voices, viola: Michelle Pritchard, piano: Christian Blaha
SALUTIS AETERNAE DATOR (1995) (duration c. 3’), lyrics: Hrabanus Maurus (Latin), soprano solo, tenor solo, mixed choir (SATB) – not yet performed
IN PARADISUM (1998) (duration c. 3’), traditional (Latin), Mixed choir (or soli) (SSATBB) – not yet performed.
CREATOR ALME SIDERUM (2000) (duration c. 3’), lyrics: traditional hymne (Latin), Mixed choir (SATB) – not yet performed.
MAGNIFICAT (2001) (duration c. 11’), lyrics: Bible NT (Latin) (I.Magnificat anima mea Dominum, II. Fecit potentiam in brachio suo, III.Suscepit Israel puerum suum), Mixed choir (SATB) – not yet performed.
EIN KLEINER JAHRESZYKLUS (2001) (1. Zum neuen Jahr, 2. Er ist’s, 3. Auf ein altes Bild, 4. Septembermorgen) (duration c. 9’), lyrics: Eduard Mörike (German), soli or choir (S,A,Bar) - not yet performed.
DE VIER VRIJHEDEN (2001) (duration c. 4’), lyrics: F.D. Roosevelt (Dutch), Mixed choir (SATB) - first performance: 2002, Zeeuws Vocaal Ensemble, conductor: Kees van Eersel.
NACHTZUSTER MAAN (2002), lyrics: Peter van den Ouden (Dutch), canon á3 voci
PATER NOSTER (2002) (duration c. 4’), lyrics: Bible NT (Latin), Mixed choir (SATB) – not yet performed.
AVE VERUM CORPUS (2002) (duration c. 4’), lyrics: traditional (Latin), Mixed choir (SATB) - not yet performed.
VENI CREATOR (2002) (duration c. 4’), lyrics: Hrabanus Maurus (Latin), Mixed choir (SATB) - not yet performed.
7 MEDITATIES OP DE KRUISWEG (2002/2003) (duration c. 12’), lyrics: Peter van den Ouden (Dutch) (I. Veroordeeld tot de dood, II. Een moeder ziet haar kind, III. Zijn voorhoofd, IV. O schoon Jeruzalem, V.Een derde maal ter aarde, VI.Hamers slaan scherpe spijkers, VII. Zie, hoe zijn lichaam lijdt), Mixed choir (SATB), organ (ad lib) - first performance: 2003 (part 1+4), Middelburgs Kamerkoor, conductor: Christian Blaha.
MUZIEK VANUIT DE KELEN (2004) (duration c. 7’), lyrics: Peter van den Ouden (Dutch), Mixed choir (SSAATTBB) – first performance: 2004, Middelburgs Kamerkoor, conductor: Lieven Deroo;
Also available in German version: MUSIK AUS ALLEN KEHLEN (2008) (German), first performance: 2008, Middelburgs Kamerkoor, conductor Andrew Wise
MISSA Á 5 VOCI (2005) (duration c. 13’), lyrics: Mass ordinarium (Latin) (I.Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, V. Agnus Dei), Mixed choir or soli (SATTB) - not yet performed.
RIMPELS (2006) (duration c. 6’), lyrics: anon. (Dutch), Female choir (SSAA) - First performance: 2007, Ensemble 'Geen Paniek'.
DE VLESELIJKE WONING (2006) (duration c. 3’), lyrics: Adéle Bloemendaal (Dutch), Female choir (SSAA) - First performance: 2007, Ensemble 'Geen Paniek'.
PRECES & RESPONSES (2006) (duration c. 6’), lyrics (Dutch): traditional Mixed choir (SATB) - not yet performed.
THREE MOTETS (2009) (duration c. 13’), lyrics: traditional (Latin), (1.Magnificat, 2.Rorate caeli, 3.Alma Redemptoris Mater), mezzo soprano solo, baritone solo, Mixed choir (SATB) – first performance: 2009, Middelburgs Kamerkoor, Mezzo solo: Nel van den Broeke, Baritone solo: Christian Blaha, conductor: Marcel van Westen.
LITANIAE BEATA MARIAE VIRGINIS (2010) (duration c. 7’), lyrics traditional (Latin), Mixed Choir (SATB) - first performance: 2010, Chamberchoir Melopoëia, conductor: Christian Blaha.
HERINNERING AAN HOLLAND (2012) (duration c. 4’), lyrics: Hendrik Marsman (Dutch), Mixed Choir (SATB) - first performance: 2013, Middelburgs Kamerkoor, conductor: Christian Blaha.
HERDENKING STORMVLOED 1953 (2012) (duration c. 4’), lyrics: Laurine van de Pitte and eyewitness-accounts (Dutch), Mixed Choir (SATB), speaker - first performance: 2013, Middelburgs Kamerkoor, conductor: Christian Blaha.
DELTAWERKEN (2012) (duration c. 3’), lyrics: website ´Delta Werken´ (Dutch), Mixed Choir (SATB) - first performance: 2013, Middelburgs Kamerkoor, conductor: Christian Blaha.
ALLELUIA (2018) (duration c. 3’), lyrics: Bible, New Testament (Latin), Mixed Choir (SATB) - not yet performed.
LEBENSGEWINN (1995) (duration c. 2’), lyrics: Ernst Von Feuchtersleben (German), tenor, pn. – not yet performed
JESU REDEMPTOR OMNIUM (1995/1996) (duration c. 8’), lyrics: trad. (Latin), sopr, fl. pn. – not yet performed
AVE MARIA (2000) (duration c. 3’), lyrics: traditional (Latin) soprano, organ – first performance: 2000, soprano: Annemarijke de Jong, organ: Harry van Zweden.
2 LIEDER (2001) (duration c. 4’) (I.Dichter steig hinab, II.An jenem überspülten Strand) lyrics: Peter van den Ouden (German) voice, piano – not yet performed
EEN KOUD BAD - 24 LIEDEREN ONDER WATER (2008/2009) (duration 75’), lyrics: Peter Swanborn (Dutch), (version 1) soprano, baritone and stringquartet –first performance: 2009, soprano: Emilie de Voght, baritone: Rob van der Meule, TY Stringquartet.
The work is also available in (version 2): soprano, baritone and piano.
CANTATE CONTROLEER UW MAATREGELEN (2010) (duration c. 15’), lyrics : Peter Swanborn (Dutch), soprano, baritone, stringorchestra and piano - first performance: 2010, soprano: Gonnie van Heugten, baritone: Robert Brouwer, TY Chamberorchestra, conductor: Christian Blaha.
5 GROOVES FOR RAPPER AND CHAMBERORCHESTRA - VERKEERD GEDACHT (2012) (duration c. 17’), lyrics:Raven Struijk (Dutch), voice, piano and stringorchestra - first performance: 2012, rapper: Raven Struijk, piano: Marianne Boer, TY Chamberorchestra, conductor: Christian Blaha.
DE GEEST - LIEDERNCYCLUS (2013/2015-), lyrics: Peter Slager (Dutch) male, female voice and ensemble (pn, b.git., drums, strings) - not yet performed (work in progress).
5 SONGS FROM NACHTBLOESEMS (2015/2016) (duration c. 15’), lyrics: Louis Couperus (Dutch) (1. In dons van wolkjens glijdt ginds, 2. Narcis, 3. O sluimer zacht, 4. Kom mede in het duister mijn kind, 5. De zoeltjens suizlen door de blaeren) voice, recorder quartet - first performance: 2015/2016, voice: Nel van den Broeke, recorder quartet Alma del Core
The work is also available in (version 2): voice and piano.
RIJSTLIED (2017) (duration c. 6’), lyrics: anon (Dutch)., voice and piano - not yet performed
AVE MARIA (2019) (duration c. 2’), lyrics: Bible NT (Latin); voice and keyboard - first performance: 2019, voice & organ: Christian Blaha.
VARKENSLIEFDE EN -LEED (2020) (duration c. 20’), lyrics: Peter Swanborn (Dutch), (I. Salto mortale, II. In de broeibak, III. Maak lawaai, IV. Draai open die kraan, V. Zoete wond), songcycle for voice and piano - first performance 2021, soprano: Cora Burggraaf, piano: Christian Blaha
LE POISON (2021) (duration c. 4’), for high(er) voice and piano, lyrics: Charles Baudelaire (French) - first performance 2021, soprano: Anna Majchrzak, piano: Daan van de Velde
Also available for low(er) voice and piano, first performance: 2023, bartione: Keith Phares, piano: Dimitri Dover